Do You Make These Mistakes In Your Coaching Business ?
Written by Emile Fonderson on Apr 5th 2018
You know how sometimes you've been trying really hard, to accomplish something for a long time and yet, you still haven’t quite been able to do it ...
There is a way of doing it - You know that for sure - but what is it ...?

You've read about people who are doing it ... Maybe you've even met one of them in your circle of "friends" ... but even after carefully listening to them pontificate, about how "all you have to do is ...", you never seem able to figure out, precisely "WHAT" it is, they are doing - let alone "HOW" they are, "really doing it" !

They make it sound so easy to do but, if that's the case ... how come, smart as you are ... you can't seem to figure it out ... no matter how determined, disciplined or devoted you are ?

Or ... could it be that, there is a lot more going on in the background here .... a whole lot more that they are doing, to make it work for themselves - even though, the bit they are "sharing" with you is - "all you have to do is ..." ?


Well, I'm here to tell you today that you're right... you have neither, all the numbers in their "magic" combination, nor the proper sequence to dial them in !

And what's more, a snowball has a better chance surviving in hell, than you have, in figuring it all out on your own, through "trial by error ..."

Tell me if this scenario is familiar.

You've snagged that all important ideal client and you're going gangbusters, delivering on your product offering.

Things are going really well and she's beginning to reach her goals. The problem is, you're so busy fulfilling, you barely have any time left to do any marketing to find your next client... Furthermore, she's about to graduate from your program in a weeks’ time and you don't have a successor lined up to take her place, in your pipeline !

And so, in panic mode ... you revert back to your staple diet of ... Attending networking events, blogging like a madman and wait for it ...

COLD CALLING prospects !!!

Meanwhile, the remaining cashflow from your graduating client is running low and so, you resort to borrowing "survival money" from .... the Bank of Mom & Dad, or friends & relatives or ... you finally show up, cap in hand to YOUR SPOUSE - who is tired warning you about this "COACHING THING" - and wonders when you'll grow up and get a REAL JOB !

Finally, 3 weeks later, you onboard a new client and heave a sigh of relief, except ... the 1st installment of your consulting fee barely digs you out of the "DEBT HOLE" you dug 3 weeks earlier.

And isn't it you, who thought entrepreneurship was supposed to free you from the rat race..?

So how come it feels like you're chained to it instead ..?

As forward-thinking entrepreneurs, we're all about having the wherewithal and the means to provide for our families and ourselves. To live a certain lifestyle and share the fruits of our labors with those around us ...

We all aspire to the freedom to be able to take time off work in the middle of the day, in order to pick up your daughter from school. Without having to "beg for permission" from a boss, or without having to choose between family and the fear of "losing a new client" ...

For this to happen though, you need to decide to STOP PLAYING SMALL and transform your coaching or consulting business from a "so-so ... making do", into a SOLID 5+figure/monthly business.

That’s why we are opening up just a few marketing consults for my list and my readers, only this week.

If you want to know how to reorganize your activities to profitably grow your business, you need to book yourself one of these calls.

To do that, click here.

To your success !

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