Written by Emile Fonderson on May. 5th 2018
Have you noticed how these days, all you need do is watch a couple of interesting videos on YouTube, or subscribe to a good channel you’ve discovered and all of a sudden, you start getting inundated with all these notifications, across your devices ?
Interrupting you, usually when you’re in a state of “flow” … and bang smack in the middle of doing something important for your business ? ....

Written by Emile Fonderson on Apr. 5th 2018
You know how sometimes you've been trying really hard, to accomplish something for a long time and yet, you still haven’t quite been able to do it ...

There is a way of doing it - You know that for sure - but what is it ...?

Written by Emile Fonderson on March 5th 2018
“A client in hand is worth 10 in the pipeline”, as the saying goes …

But, what if all those clients are actually CHOKING the very life, out of your business - instead of FUELING it … Slowly killing your practice… DEAD ..?
Written by Emile Fonderson on Feb. 5th 2018
Have you figured out yet, what the few basic moves are that are producing most of the results and income in your business or practice ? (“The 80/20 rule”) .

Well, find them … execute on them daily… 
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