4 Habits of Highly Effective Service Providers 
Written by Emile Fonderson on May 5th 2018
Have you noticed how these days, all you need do is watch a couple of interesting videos on YouTube, or subscribe to a good channel you’ve discovered and all of a sudden, you start getting inundated with all these notifications, across your devices ?

Interrupting you, usually when you’re in a state of “flow” … and bang smack in the middle of doing something important for your business ?

I absolutely HATE it …!

And so now, I proactively disable notifications from any of my subscribed YouTube channels, on my iPhone/iPad apps, Whatsapp and Viber …. And whatever else is out there, that disturbs me during my “prime working hours”.

You see, when your goal is growing your business to 7 figures, it’s critical that when you’re at work … you really are, at work ….


Not Facebooking, or WhatsApping or Instagramming or anything else, that detracts from single-minded FOCUS on the handful of activities that truly propel growth.

More about these activities a little later…

One of the biggest mistakes I see growth-minded business owners making, is listening to the voices of too many “Guru talking heads”.

The thing about listening to all these voices is that, each one is pushing their own bulletproof-success-tactic of the week.

And simply trying to incorporate all these disparate, disjointed, individual tactics into your practice is a recipe for chaos and frustration … if not an expensive disaster!

Settle on ONE trusted adviser (at an absolute maximum 2) whose advice and PROVEN METHODOLOGY you will follow diligently and implement in your business. That way, you have the benefit of a single, calm voice guiding you steadily, along the same path they have trodden with others, to your ultimate success.

The second big issue with listening to all these “Guru talking heads” is that you end up working on so many things at once, that you end up being unable to bring sustained FOCUS on the 20% of activities that are responsible for 80% of practice growth.

As a coach or service provider, there are only 4 SIMPLE HABITS you need execute on DAILY to grow to 7 figures – delegate all the rest to others:

1. Attract the attention of your IDEAL CLIENT

2. Get INTO THE PRESENCE of your ideal client (via phone or skype are great for this)

3. Take them through a structured conversation where you listen and diagnose what’s holding them back and where they are stuck. Closing the sale will follow naturally, IF both you and the client agree you are a good fit, working with each other.

4. Practice a DAILY regimen of mindset strengthening exercises to KEEP YOUR HEAD FOCUSED and in the game – This should take no more than 30 mins to 1 hr each day.

And that’s why so many service providers WORK HARD every day … and are SO BUSY … DOING a thousand and one things, and yet their income just stays stuck on a plateau.

Remember, just as you cannot exercise your way into good health, while maintaining a poor diet, you also cannot “work-hard” your way into income growth, without focused daily attention on these 4 simple habits.

Talking about diets … In a quest to increase my energy levels and reduce “brain fog”, I‘ve been experimenting with a Ketogenic diet (extra low-carb, low-protein, high fat).

The diet incorporates an intermittent fasting regimen as well and the initial results are encouraging – So far, I’ve lost 7.6 lb in the first 6 days

Disclaimer: This includes me taking a spin class 3x per week + yoga 1x per week, which is a good start.

We’ll see how that pans out and provide updates over the next 90 days !

In closing, for this Friday, I encourage you to remain focused and eliminate all “time vampires”, distractions or anything else that prevents the daily, efficient & effective use of your work time … especially during the “golden hours” – i.e. the first one to two hrs of your waking day.

To your success !

And if you don’t know where to start with implementing any of this in your business, I’ve got your back.  Join me  on a FREE 1 on 1  Breakthrough Session here and we can talk.

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