Is Growing And Acquiring New Clients Slowly Killing Your Business ..?
Written by Emile Fonderson on March 5th 2018
“A client in hand is worth 10 in the pipeline”, as the saying goes …

But, what if all those clients are actually CHOKING the very life, out of your business - instead of FUELING it … Slowly killing your practice… DEAD ..?

NO WAY … I hear you say ?

Well, think again !

One of the most common mistakes my coaching and consultant clients make, is going all out to get as many new clients as possible through their doors, with an eye to increase billable hours.

The truth is, it's FAR easier to generate a higher ROI (and profits), working with only a handful of clients than people realize. In fact, restricting the number of clients you work with, actually MAKES YOU MORE SOUGHT AFTER AND ALLOWS YOU TO CHARGE SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER PRICES.

You see ... people have no problems paying good money for a quality service, especially if convinced they are investing in a much desired, high-value outcome. That said, raising your fees is only a first step ... and if you haven't felt comfortable raising them yet, it's probably a symptom of something much deeper and insidious, going on in your practice, that you need to address.

And so, here are the 3 areas that you have to master and resolve, BEFORE you can raise your prices ...


If you allow yourself to be drawn into "serving" every single client, who comes to you with cash in hand, and whose problems you have the skills to fix. As opposed to going deeper, working only with those who fall into your one, preferred area of expertise - Well, I'm sorry to say ... but you have a BIG problem on your hands !

I know just how frightening it can be, saying "NO", to a client who is ready and willing to help pay your bills, in order to spend the required time, establishing yourself, as pre-eminent and THE AUTHORITY figure in your industry ... After all, those ballet classes and piano lessons you promised your little princess, need to be paid for somehow.


Unless you leverage, the depth and breadth of expertise you have built up in your specialty area, in order to CONSISTENTLY ATTRACT clients into your practice, you will forever remain, that "commodity" practitioner ... competing in the rat-race ... constantly CHASING AFTER, ever-illusive business !


Have you noticed just how easy it is to get stuck ... trapped "working so hard" IN your business that you never seem to have any time to plan, exactly WHAT you should be working ON ?

You discover that, whereas others merely get up in the morning and go to a job ... You are now the proud owner of a "daily grind", you cannot afford to give up ....

See ... Without deploying a system that does your marketing for you ... working relentlessly on your behalf... silently in the background - 24x7x365. You will never truly be in control of your life.

In point of fact, without a system ... you do not own a business practice - your practice owns you !


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

My man Lao had a point ... This is as true in business, as it is in life ...

The thing though is that in business, it's almost always riskier trying to figure out how to find "safe passage" through the wilderness on your own. And I see so many people out there struggling, trying to put all these different pieces together .... Chasing their tail, and the latest "bright shiny object", around and around and around !

In fact, if I think back to my freewheeling days as an Oracle consultant working throughout Europe, across multiple industries, in 3 languages, I can't think of any skill I learned on my own.

Or any decision to take one project over another … or work in one country instead of another … without the benefit of foresight from other, more experienced, guys & gals in the industry.

These were people who could "see around corners" and knew where the market was going - often in advance. Even though such changes were not yet apparent - And they let me in on it.

In the digital marketing / lead generation arena, my periods of greatest growth have come ... hands down, when I paid someone to spend time, explaining how the different pieces fit together, to me.

Or when I paid a company who had mastered the skill, the knowledge, the know-how I was trying to acquire... to teach me how to shorten my learning curve and show me the proven models that consistently ROI ...

Figuring these intricacies out on your own, is a much riskier choice (dare I say madness) and by far outweighs "parting with" a few thousand dollars - and I'm not even joking about this !

You see, the money can always be made back ... But your time ... Your time is a melting block of ice, that you can NEVER GET BACK OR MAKE UP ... And none of us knows, just how much of it we have !

Naturally, you need to use common sense and vet who you seek advice from - that is true for all service providers – but, by all means, just don't go it alone !

And that’s why, I created this BRAND NEW TRAINING to show you, exactly how to piece together all the tools your business needs, in order to attract and enroll ONLY, the type of clients you love to work with – As you need them … Whenever you need them.

That's all for now folks & to your success !

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