Your Daily Grind …. To Grind Or Not To Grind … Is It Really Worth It ?
Written by Emile Fonderson on Feb. 5th 2018
Your Daily Grind …. To Grind Or Not To Grind … Is It Really Worth It ?

Have you figured out yet, what the few basic moves are that are producing most of the results and income in your business or practice ? (“The 80/20 rule”)

Well, find them … execute on them daily… first thing in the morning.

… And watch your growth rate progress … from linear to geometric !

I’d love to hear what your 80/20 rule is, in your coaching business or what’s holding you back from figuring it out ?

Here are a few of mine:

1. Switched from expecting my ideal prospects to reach out to me first, to me identifying where they “play & hangout” (FB Groups, LinkedIn, Email …) and reaching out to them there, consistently every week

2. Switched from networking events / meetup groups / chamber events, collecting business cards and “following up” (aka cold calling … hgrr) with them later, to ONLY responding to those WHO CHOSE to reach out to me.

3. Switched from repetitive, long-winded explanations (aka pitching …) of what I do, to creating automation to deliver & showcase, the many ways in which us working together, can be of beneficial service to them

Watch this here  - What about you ?

To your success.

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